how to make Dry Chicken Chilli recipe


4-5 (boneless and cut into small pieces).
6-8 green chillies(seed and slice).
1 clove of garlic(crushed).
1 tablespoon of soya sauce.
1 tablespoon of vinegar.
½ teaspoon of ajinomoto.
½ teaspoon of black pepper(ground).
salt to taste.
2 tablespoons of oil.


Put the meat in a bowl and Pound it carefully to flatten slightly.

Add soya sauce and vinegar, mix well. Leave for 20 minutes.

Heat oil in a pan .Add crushed garlic, chicken, black pepper and salt.
Fry until it changes
colour .

Add Ajinomoto top the fired chicken. In a separated frying pan, heat
1-tablespoon oil and
stir fry the sliced chillies in it.

Add vinegar, Soya sauce and Ajinomoto. Saute until tender but still
crisp. Pour on the
chicken and mix well.